- I often go for a walk in the park to clear my mind.
- She often sings in the shower, regardless of who might be listening.
- It's often said that laughter is the best medicine.
- I often find myself losing track of time when I'm engrossed in a good book.
- He often takes the scenic route when driving to enjoy the beautiful countryside.
- It's often the little things in life that bring us the most joy.
- They often meet up for coffee on Sunday mornings to catch up with each other.
- My dog often curls up by the fireplace to keep warm on cold winter nights.
- I often find inspiration for my artwork during long walks on the beach.
- It's often challenging to break old habits, but it's worth the effort for personal growth.
- 頭をすっきりさせるために、私はよく公園を散歩します。
- 彼女はよくシャワーの中で歌います。誰が聞いているかに関わらずです。
- よく言われることですが、笑いは最高の薬だと言われます。
- 良い本に没頭していると、時間の感覚をよく忘れることがよくあります。
- 彼は美しい田園風景を楽しむために、よく景色の良いルートを選びます。
- 人生でよくある小さなことが、私たちに一番の喜びをもたらすことがよくあります。
- 彼らはよく日曜日の朝にコーヒーを飲みながら会って、お互いの近況を話します。
- 私の犬はよく寒い冬の夜に暖炉のそばで丸くなって暖を取ります。
- 海岸での長い散歩中に、私はよく自分のアートワークのインスピレーションを見つけます。
- 古い習慣を変えることはよく難しいですが、個人の成長のために努力する価値があります。
about the topic
about 10 years ago
about 10years ago
after afternoon
a gain
again Try again
after school
after school
after school, af ter he went home
after he went home
after school
afternoon in the afreternoon inthe afternoon
in the afternoon again again again Try again
animal animal animal animal animal animal nai animal animal animal
ania anu anya any any p;ants p;ap plants and animal any wues
any questions
at the stsation , at the station bag bag bagbaseball baseball baseball aheavy ag heavy bag baseball play baseball abaseball oplay er
basketball beautiful bed big the wooman is very b utyfull bed onthe gbed go to bed big bigger abigest a bai dog birthday to day is his abairthday
book book a suseful book a useful book
boy boy by boy irls girls alittle
by by car byt he rakelake